Thursday, April 4, 2019

What is Proper Noun

Before we learn about what is meant by Proper noun let us first know about what is noun.

 NOUN is a word which is used for a person, place, animal or thing. Noun is often known as ' Naming Words'.

Nouns are classified into different categories. Common noun and proper noun are among them. Common noun refers to something which is is considered in general.
For instance when we say the word girl girl is a noun but it refers to any girl in general.
Some other examples of a common noun are Park Garden book dog peacock eraser.

Proper noun refers to the name of some particular person or place or specific things.

Example -
Mr Sanjay Panchal ( name of a person)
The Times of India ( name of a newspaper)
Ganga ( name of a river)
January ( months of year)
Monday( days of week)

 Note - All Proper noun always begins with a capital letter no matter where it occurs in a sentence.

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